Chapter 07 – Tools For Your Thinking Toolbox – A Summary Of All

Before we get into our collection of tools, it’s worth thinking a little about the true purpose of them. In other words, what is it that you’re fundamentally trying to achieve? You’re trying in some way or another, to change your life. Let’s start by revisiting something you cannot change – the Law Of Attraction. Here’s our most complete definition yet.

There’s a world that seems to surround you moment by moment. This world is uniquely yours, and the people and things in this world, whether wanted or unwanted, are a match to the conscious and subconscious expectations you have about them. These expectations derive from what you consciously choose to believe, and as your day by day thoughts stay within the confines of those prior belief-choices, you confirm over and over that those beliefs were right, and that the world is real. Your choices, once made, are therefore self-reinforcing. But they are not unchangeable. You are always at choice.

Remember those words “within the confines of your prior belief-choices” because changing your life means changing first what you believe in conscious thought, and then practicing that new choice into the depths of your subconscious thought. You must create a new version of your expectation tapestry.
Anything can be changed. The amount of focus it takes to change any particular belief is a function of how much you’ve practiced it. The good news is that you and only you are the one who gets to decide what to include in your world. So as you get into these change-processes, here are some principles to keep in mind:

1. All of this is in the realm of thought. The only DOing required is to make a new choice and practice that new choice. The only physical action you need to take is whatever supports you in your thought change process.
2. Don’t get fooled by so-called reality. Making a new choice, any new choice big or small, means that you’re changing that reality, so it helps if you can keep in mind that it’s all up to you.
3. There’s nothing sacred about the specific steps described. Find what works for you and reinvent them. Make them part of you. Make them your own. Mix and match them.
4. Make a commitment. It takes focus and commitment. Understanding helps and confidence helps and that’s why we keep repeating that it’s simple and logical, but it takes a little effort to break an old habit. Commit.
5. It all comes down to loving yourself. Nothing is “your fault” in the sense that you’ve done something wrong, or there’s something deficient about you. Always, always, always, treat yourself with enormous generosity of spirit.
6. Learn to be you. Unlearn that you’re a human dealing with an external world. Unlearn your limitations. Remember that you’re a timeless extension of Source

Once again .. remember ..
1. All of this is in the realm of thought.
2. Don’t get fooled by so-called reality.
3. Make these processes your own.
4. Make a commitment.
5. It all comes down to loving yourself.
6. Learn to be you.

Good. Now as we get into some specific processes, it can help to think of them as serving two purposes – focusing and expanding. Focusing processes are those in which you seek to move your beliefs about some particular thing – to change something particular in your life. Our Letting go process is a great example of that.
Expanding processes are those which build awareness of the greater part of you – your timeless connection to Source. Meditation is one example of that, so let’s talk a little about meditation. Now that word meditation covers a whole range of different exercises, and if, for example, you wanted to start a daily meditation practice and you asked us which type to use, we could say it doesn’t matter. Try them all on for size and make your own choices.

But here’s a better answer because, once again, it’s worth understanding what you’re trying to achieve. Fundamentally what you’re trying to do with all of this is to develop confidence in your ability to change things. That’s what it’s all about. You want to change your life, and you can’t change your life without changing the world. Even a really small and simple change like finding that perfect parking spot at the restaurant means that you’re creating and stepping into a different version of so called reality. Somebody else didn’t get that spot, and so their world also changed as a result of your creation. We really want you to get this. Change means changing so-called reality.

Meditation helps with that because when you’re meditating, you stop practicing that the world is real.
When you meditate, you simply stop and get off those seemingly relentless trains of thought that your mind is riding around on and you pick a new train. Those old trains are all running around (and here’s those words again) within the confines of your prior belief-choices, and while you’re doing that, you’re practicing what-is-ness. You’re practicing status quo. When you meditate, you stop practicing mortality thinking, and you start practicing immortality thinking.

Meditation can be a simple as quieting your mind, and picking a new track. You can focus perhaps on something simple like your breathing, and as your mind wanders, gently accept that it’s wandered, (remember that there’s no beating up on yourself allowed here), gently accept that it’s wandered, and bring it back to that centering thought. Meditation can be getting to no thought at all. At first that might sound impossible. It’s not impossible. As with all of these exercises, start with knowing that you can. Then observe that there’s a switching point between those trains and start to see that as a gap. Then you let that gap expand, and expand, until if fills the room.

Meditation can be quieting your mind with a guided awareness audio. In this community we’ve put together several of those. One of them has 10 affirmations. Think along with us here and now, and say to yourself the following:
1. I’m an always connected extension of Source.
2. It’s my belief-choices that create me and my worlds. Everything is what I choose it to be.
3. It’s my thoughts that create. My actions are just the sideshow.
4. Every time I choose a different thought, it makes a difference.
5. What I choose has nothing to do with what anybody else chooses.
6. No choice is more worthy, or divine, than any other.
7. I have not missed the boat. The next one is always about to leave.
8. When I’m feeling good, I know that I’m heading toward what I want. Nothing is more important.
9. When I’m feeling bad, I choose to know that I’ve dropped into One-World-mode, and I come back to this list.
10. My natural state is well being. As soon as I stop resisting, I bob right back to the surface – back to Peace and Power, Fun and Freedom. Good.

As always, remember why you’re doing this. You’re doing this to gain confidence in your ability to make changes, and confidence is not just a conscious thing. It’s mostly a subconscious thing. How do you get it into your subconscious tapestry? You practice. What are we doing with this meditation? We’re practicing you thinking about who you are. Despite what some teachers might want you to believe, there are no rules about meditation. There’s nothing absolute about how you meditate. All of this is clearly within the boundaries you set around Your World by your belief choices. The important thing is to try some things out and gather the tools that work for you. Remember why you’re doing this. Make a commitment and stick to it.

All of these processes are about making changes in your mostly subconscious expectation tapestry. What we call the focused processes are to change your beliefs about some particular thing in your world. What we call the expansive processes are to make a general change in the level of your vibrational awareness. In the book we’ll have a list that follows here of all our recommendations. In today’s longer discussion that follows now, we’re going to revisit one of those – the Expectation Tapestry Visualization – as an exercise, and then of course we’ll answer any questions that you have.