The Purpose Of Life – Actually, You’re Here To Do .. Nothing! – vBook Chapter 66

Last week we explored the idea that you can’t answer a question until you decide from whose perspective it’s being asked. This week we’d like to explore with you the purpose of life, and we’d like to do that from two seemingly different perspectives – the cosmic perspective, and the you-here-and-now perspective –
 From the cosmic perspective, when you understand that you’re not here to do any particular thing, you begin also to understand that you can do anything, and, to extend that in a way you may not have thought of, you can do .. everything.
 From the you-here-and-now perspective, when you give up on your “should-do”s and “must-do”s, you begin to free yourself up to do whatever you want to do.

This week from Mike Dooley and the Universe – a cosmic perspective: You are not on earth to make things happen. You are not on earth to spread the love. You are not on earth to make it a better place or to learn acceptance of the things you cannot change. You are not on earth to find your soul mate or your purpose. You are not on earth to put the needs of others before your own. And you are most certainly not on earth .. to suffer, pay penance, be tested, or judged.. You are on earth ..because .. you wondered what it would be like, even fleetingly, to believe in limits. And when you can grasp this .. you will also grasp how unlimited you truly are.

Amen. And we would add a little to those words “you wondered what it would be like, even fleetingly, to believe in limits”, because this is the crux of it all. When you play a game, any game, you do it for the fun of it. You mix it up with your friends. You make decisions. They make decisions. You try new things. It’s exciting. It’s an adventure. And the game has limits that you call rules. Without rules, the game doesn’t exist. So here you are in the game of Life On Earth. What Mike’s Universe is describing here as “limits”, are the rules of this game.

We would say that you did not set out to even fleetingly choose to believe that anything about you is limited, but, as with any game, you chose to accept those “limits” because that’s how you play the game. In other words, you’ve created this game, and you’ve stepped into it, to mix it up with others in this special context, to create new things from this very focused perspective. And along the way, some of you forget who you are, and start believing in the absoluteness of those rules and limits. You start being absolutely and literally UNrealistic by analyzing the very game you created, as if it’s somehow external to you, and you just have to learn how to deal with it.

From our friends Abraham, another cosmic perspective on the purpose of life: What is the reason that you came forth into this physical experience? You wanted more. You wanted more exposure, more opportunity, to have more feelings. So the meaning of life, it sounds strange to say it, but the meaning of life is LIFE! It’s to feel life pouring through you, to feel the exhilaration of a new idea coming to fruition. To feel yourself not right on it and then work yourself until you are on it. To have a new idea occur to you and to recognize you are not a vibrational match to it, and then to deliberately become a vibrational match to it. All of that is fun and all of that is life. So the meaning of life and the reason for life is for the thrill.

From our friend Bashar: The highest purpose of your life is to be yourself to the best of your ability and live each moment as fully as possible.
At first these words from Abraham and Bashar sound a bit like circular definitions, but here’s what they’re getting at. At the core of your being, you’re a creator, and there is therefore nothing possible that’s more joyful than the experience of simply bringing new things into existence. And there’s no better place to do that than this focused space/time playground.

Here’s some more words from Bashar, and in relation to your “Purpose”, he talks about two important concepts – the role of your emotional guidance system, and your Higher Self.  Excitement is a “sign” that the activity you are contemplating is aligned with your Higher Self, and this alignment is what causes the excitement. This naturally leads you to what you are “meant” to be doing – what your Soul “hopes” your will free-will chooses to do. This is your “Purpose”. So this is the simple yet effortlessly-effective way to find your life’s “Purpose”.. Excitement serves as a “compass” – to let you know when you’re “on course” – when you are doing or contemplating doing exactly what your Higher Self would just love to have you be doing.
Let’s pry this apart a little here because it contains some important concepts.

Is there really a Higher Self somewhat separate from you making separate decisions about what it wants you to be and do? No. With each choice the here-and-now conscious thinking you has ever made, you’ve added to that tapestry of expectations that defines you and your world. Remember that being physical, you tend to see things in boxes with borders and boundaries, whereas non-physicalness is a boundary-less realm. So there really is no separation between you, and that tapestry, and your Higher Self. What your Higher Self wants for you is simply to have everything you’ve already put on your wish-list.

The purpose of life is to create whatever it is you want to create, and you’ve already made some decisions as to what that is. When you’re heading in that direction, you’re excited and having fun. In other words, the more you’re aligned with the essence of who you are, the more joyful and alive you feel. The less you’re aligned, the worse you feel. Your feelings and that alignment are synonymous. If you’re fulfilling your purpose, you’re feeling good, and vice versa. Which is why we always say, nothing is more important than choosing to feel good.

So that’s the view from the cosmic perspective, from the grandstand. Now take a moment here if you can (and you can if you believe you can), without diving back onto the field, let’s look at you from a here-and-now perspective. And we say, when you give up on your “should-do”s and “must-do”s, you begin to free yourself up to do whatever you want to do.

Just recently, one of our members was talking about where she was and didn’t want to be (running her business), and where she longed to be (in a different country with her son and grandchildren), and we made the outlandish statement that both of those places were the same thing, and that if she could have the time her life being where she was, she would effortlessly be wherever she wanted to be. What on earth were we talking about?

Well IF you’re a timeless consciousness (and you are),
and IF you’ve chosen to be here to create new things in this focused realm (and you have),
and IF your circumstance do not dictate how you feel (and they don’t),
and IF it’s how you interpret your circumstances that dictates how you feel (and it is),
and IF your interpretations are a here-and-now choice (and they are),
and IF you’re feeling bad you’re heading away from what you want (and you are),
then we say, if you’re feeling bad, choose to interpret your circumstances differently.

And if you do, what happens? Firstly, the better it gets, the better it gets, which is to say every small choice in that positive direction makes a huge difference. You literally step into a new version of you, and then automatically by Law Of Attraction, poof, a new matching version of your context wraps itself around you, and off you go again, but from a new starting place. As you journey down that road, you start having the time of your life wherever you are. It doesn’t mean that you give up on that new country and the grandchildren, it means just the opposite. It means literally that you step into a context that has everything you want.

So how can that now-country and the old job, possibly be the same context as the new-country and the grandchildren? We say stop. Get back off the field and into the stands. We say stop with the “how”s. “How” is not your job. The extent to which you cling to the notion that the world is “out there” and you have to deal with it, is the extent to which you hold yourself apart from who you are and what you want. The extent to which you perceive that the rules of the very game you invented are somehow now ruling you, is the extent to which you condemn yourself to rowing upstream.

When you’re at peace with where you are, you can go anywhere. When you’re choosing to have the time of your life being where you are, you ARE everywhere you ever want to be. And yes, maybe it sounds a little crazy, but you’ll discover your children and your grandchildren have somehow been miraculously caught up in this tornado yours and wherever you are, you’re all dancing together. It’s the difference between putting up with where you are and struggling on, to choosing to be in joy. It’s the difference between yearning for things wanted, and choosing to be deliciously aware that everything is racing towards you in miraculous ways.

Now you don’t have to quit your “should-do”s and “must-do”s cold-turkey. We’re not advocates of the jump-and-the-parachute-will-appear approach. Just be easy with all of this. Be easy on yourself. Simply start to appreciate everything you can about where you are. Be obsessively compulsive about it. Become a Pollyanna about life and take a stand on choosing to feel good. Give up now on the notion that circumstances control you, and doors will open before you that you never knew existed. And we will be there every step of the way. You only have to write our name into your dance card, and when the music starts, and it will, we will be there.