Welcome to our discussion on this topic for the week – the importance of feeling bad. No, we haven’t flipped out. And yes, we’re certainly always going on at great length about the importance of feeling good. That hasn’t changed. Nothing IS more important, but let’s explore this concept of feeling bad as a potential avenue to creating more of what you want.

We’ll start with some simple statements here and then expand on them.
You and Your Worlds (physical and spiritual) are illusions.
Being illusory doesn’t mean trivial or irrelevant.
If you’re having an experience, you’re creating it.
Life isn’t serious.
When you’re “trying hard” you’re going backwards.
You can’t avoid feeling bad

You and Your Worlds (physical and spiritual) are illusions.
You’re a consciousness, an intelligent awareness, an extension of the Source of everything. Your intentions and desires create the shape of the conscious you. Like Source, you are time-less and space-less, BUT, it is the chosen beliefs and expectations of that conscious You, that create the illusion of a physical you in a physical space/time world, and also for many of you, the illusion of a spiritual you in a spiritual world. These illusions are your play-space. They are the set of the movie called Your Life. For as long as there’s a You, you’re creating yourself in some shape or other, and the matching realms around you.

Being illusory doesn’t mean trivial or irrelevant.
When we say your world is illusory, we mean there’s nothing about it that’s permanent, or external to you. It’s not a committee decision because it’s not created or maintained by anyone or anything but you. It’s your holodeck, your virtual reality. But that’s not in any way declaring that it’s unimportant. This is your life. Your desires and intentions and choices brought you here. This is your main tent and you’re continuing to choose it and form it, and like the individual frames that make up a movie, the forming of it is a moment by moment creation. It’s the stage on which you are playing your game having your experiences. And can you see from that, ….

If you’re having an experience, you’re creating it.
Unless you create it, there is no experience. You’re not co-creating with others. You set up this stage of yours, and others come to play on it at your invitation, intermittently, sometimes fleetingly, and sometimes indirectly. They play in your movie even as you play intermittently in theirs. We are here playing intermittently in your movie right now, even as you are playing in ours. The versions of us that show up, and the versions of those others that show up match this version of your screenplay, even as the versions of you that show up in theirs, match their screenplay.

There are, of course, an infinity of different versions and Stories, and all of them are equally valid and important. That’s how it is we can promise you that your ability to create whatever you want is not at all constrained by the choices of others. If you can imagine something different, then that version of so-called reality is playing out in another equally valid and important parallel world. But to keep things simple, in this discussion let’s focus on the version you’re inhabiting right now. This is your movie. This is where the conscious You is playing. This is where your power is, and discovering how to exercise that power is why we’re dancing with you here.

Life isn’t serious.
It seems that the more limited your perspective, the more seriously you take yourself. The further you get from recognizing who you are, and being aware of why you’re here, the more desperately important life seems to be. Well it isn’t. The truth is, there’s nothing deadly serious about any of it. You came into it for the fun of being in this focused world and creating new things within it. And for those of you who insist that there has to be more to it than that, that there has to be some divine or lofty purpose behind it all, we say you ain’t seen or felt “lofty” until you experience the Power and Peace, and Fun and Freedom, of simply stepping into the awareness of the amazing creature that you are, and following your desires.

When you’re “trying hard” you’re going backwards.
Thinking is what consciousnesses do. If your physical world is an illusion, can you see that it’s all (ALL) about what you think. And if life is meant to be fun, then trying hard, working hard, also cannot be an important part of the story. When you woke up this morning, how much time and effort did it take that superconscious of yours to create the world around you? Zero. And because of that, you get the idea that you’re not the one that’s creating it. Well you ARE creating it, and creating anything else you desire takes precisely the same amount of effort. Zero. Creating is effortless. Hard work is rowing upstream when everything you want is downstream. It makes no sense at all.

You can’t avoid feeling bad
The simple truth is that moments of feeling bad are always going to be a part of your experience. There will always be contrast in your experience. There will always be things you want more of, and things you want less of. This is the game you’re involved in. Without contrast there is no game, there is no adventure, no discovery, no new desires and no new creation. And there is no You. So let’s really understand this feeling bad stuff as a first step to some new patterns of behavior. We want you to see that it’s entirely possible for you to begin to really appreciate your emotional guidance system, no matter what it’s telling you.

Let’s start with – the only thing your emotional guidance system is ever telling you is – you’re heading towards what you want (you feel good), or you’re heading away from it (feeling bad)? That’s it. Feeling bad is NEVER caused by people or circumstances. It’s never “caused” by anything about you or your world. It’s only ever telling you which – direction – you’re – heading. Now of course if you’ve defined this or that particular thing as “bad”, and you experience some of that, it’s easy to start digging a hole for yourself. And once you’ve started on the hole, you feel worse, things GET worse, and it feels like your only option is to keep digging into despair and depression. The worse it gets, the worse it gets.

And lest that you begin to think it’s possible that you can forever lock yourself into an ongoing downward spiral, into some sort of eternal hell, let us remind you here once again about the essence of who you are. You are an always connected extension of Source, and there is nothing negative, or inherently bad in the energy of Source. And therefore there can be nothing negative or inherently bad in the energy of you. Well-being is the natural order of everything. We love the Abraham let-your-cork-float analogy. Here are their words.

Imagine a cork floating on a body of water, and this cork is up there bobbing on the surface. And, for the sake of our analogy, know that up here on the surface is this high, pure vibration. This is the vibration of your Source. This is who you really are. Now take hold of that cork and hold it under the water as you focus upon something unwanted or you doubt, or as you doubt or disbelieve, or as you beat up on yourself or someone else.. Now, as this cork is under water because of your attention to something that is not up to speed with it, now let go of it. Take your attention from whatever has caused the cork to be under the water.

And what happens to the cork when you let go of it? It bobs right back up to the surface. And the reason that we want, very much, for you to hear this important analogy is because we want you to know that that is where your vibration would naturally be if you were not giving your attention to something that was vibrationally different. We want you to understand that you don’t have to work hard at the higher vibration. You don’t have to work at all at the higher vibration. You only have to no longer give your attention to those things that hold your cork under the water.

And then there will be times when you’ll feel like responding to that idea with thoughts like ..
Well Terah or Abraham or whatever you call yourselves, you don’t understand that when I’m feeling down, it’s doesn’t feel possible to be logical about it like that. Sometimes when I’m down I just can’t think straight. Sometimes when I’m down, I feel like dropping into the hole, wallowing in self-pity, and just giving up on everything.
We understand, because we’ve been with you through times like that, but here’s what you can do. If you must wallow, do it consciously. Wallow away, but know that you’re choosing to wallow. And if you do that, here’s what you’re doing.

You’re acknowledging to yourself that even this wallowing is a choice. And even if at first it’s just a vague thought in the back of your mind, what you’ll discover is that you’re beginning to acknowledge once again that everything is a choice, and therefore, this particular chapter in your Story is the one you’re creating. And then you’ll find you’re on a slippery slope but inevitably heading in a really good direction, because once you start to acknowledge that, you start to pull out of it. It might take a while, but as you once again recognize consciously what’s really going on, what you’re doing is letting your cork bob to the surface. And then, things get better. And the better they get, the easier it gets. And the easier it gets, the better it all gets.

So we recommend that set yourself an intention right now,
• that you will never again in this life see your feelings as anything but a signpost,
• that you will from this day forward appreciate your emotions as the gift that they are, and
• that you will henceforth begin the process of disassociating bad feelings with any cause – any event or person or anything.
Here’s your mantra.

Let me be aware – how am I feeling? (.. REALLY feeling .. how far short of fantastic)
Hey wait, I’m feeling bad (or bored, or angry, or jealous, or frustrated).
What does that mean? (I’m going in the wrong direction).
Who am I? (The creator of everything I experience).
What am I about to create? (What I don’t want).
Let me climb mentally here and see the view. (Get a true perspective).
To my emotional guidance system, thank you. (Thank you. Thank you.)
Now let’s bounce back to feeling good.
Let’s begin to entertain a new thought of what could be.

You CAN develop the habit of being aware.
You CAN develop the habit of seeing things from a higher perspective.
You can bounce from oops to ahhhhhh, good.
Each time you make this new choice, you step into a new version of you, and a new version of your context, a new version of the world that matches the new you, appears around you.
Your habit becomes more and more .. I feel bad –and – and – and .. now I feel good.
Bad .. then immediately .. amazing .. fantastic!
Off course .. to .. back on course.

So don’t try to avoid feeling bad. By definition you can’t.
Wallow if you want to, but know you’re choosing to wallow.
Just don’t stay there.
And stop blaming people or circumstances for those bad feelings. It’s those associations that are the problem, not the circumstances.
So when would be a good time to commit to this intention.
How about today? How about right now?
And now we welcome your comments and questions.