Welcome to something a little out of the ordinary. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been collaborating with these channels of ours and cooking up a one month program that we’ll be launching shortly. We’ll be inviting you to four weeks of living differently. You’ll be engaging with us as we focus on some particular thing that you want to achieve. These four weeks will be all about the end-result. And yes of course we’ll still be coming from a place of knowing – knowing who you are and why you’re here – because if you don’t know that, then all of this stuff about the Law Of Attraction makes no sense at all. But our primary focus over this month will be the nuts and bolts –the mechanics of deliberately creating something new in your life.

So will you join us? If yes, then we’re going to ask you to do three things.
1. Pick one thing you want to change, not something too way out, but something in one area of your life you’d like to change. Then tell us about it. It doesn’t have to be in detail, that’s up to you, but it has to be clear to you.
2. Then we want you to commit to an action plan, and of course we don’t mean action in a material sense, we mean action in the thinking sense. From the processes we suggest, or other processes, commit to a day-by-day, 4-week plan. Then tell us about it.
3. As we go through the month, come to our calls. Check in on progress. Tell us what’s working and what’s not working, and we’ll give you our perspective.

And here’s the ingredients we suggest you think about as part of this program. Firstly there’s our most-recommended list of simple but powerful truths. It’s a set of self-affirming statements that have proved to be really useful for you to bring to mind as you get into your day-to-day world. Then we’ll get into the processes we recommend. And of course we invite you to contribute what seems to work best for you, because there is no one-size-fits-all. You are uniquely you, and while you are all fundamentally and universally part of the collective consciousness of Source, each of has your own particular and personal Story. We will meet you where you are, and then we’ll dance together.

So .. firstly ..things to remember and say to yourself:
1. I’m an always connected extension of Source.
2. It’s my belief-choices that create me and my worlds.
3. Everything is what I choose it to be.
4. It’s my thoughts that create. My actions are just the sideshow.
5. Every time I choose a different thought, it makes a difference.
6. What I choose has nothing to do with what anybody else chooses.
7. When I’m feeling good, I’m heading towards what I want.
8. When I feeling bad, I’m heading away from what I want.
9. No choice is more worthy, or divine, than any other.
10. I have not missed the boat. The next one is always about to leave.

Now we could spend a week on each of these but that is not our intent today. We’ll be going into a little more detail here just to ensure that when you think of them, you’re really understanding and re-affirming them as the facts of your life, but if you’re new to this community, and you want some more explanation of any of these, we invite you to go back over some of our earlier blog entries or view our earlier Hangouts On Air on YouTube. So let’s begin.

1. I’m an always connected extension of Source.
You are NOT, in any sort of fundamental sense, a physical space/time human being. That’s just the Story you’ve chosen, and this world of yours is just the stage you’ve created to play out that Story of yours. Your world is NOT reality, it’s a virtual reality. What you ARE is a consciousness. You are time-less and space-less. You’re a part of the collective consciousness of Source, of All That Is. You are everything that Source is. You are the power of Source. You are the pure positive energy of Source. You are the connectedness of Source, and that connectedness IS reality, and any time you want to, you can think yourself into the awareness of that reality.

2. It’s my belief-choices that create me and my worlds.
You came into existence as part of a desire for Source to experience itself in different realms. Your desires and choices created you. By what you call Law Of Attraction, those choices created the virtual reality of the “you” you now experience, and the worlds that surround you. It’s not one of many cosmic laws. It’s the foundational principle by which all energy is organized in all realms, physical or non-physical. These physical and non-physical worlds are your context, and there’s nothing fundamentally real or permanent about it. It’s a moment by moment creation. It’s YOUR moment by moment creation

3. Everything is what I choose it to be.
You cannot change who you are at your essence, and you cannot change the Law Of Attraction. But apart from those two truths, there’s nothing you cannot be, do or have, and nothing you cannot change. To be non-physical as we are, or physical as you are, is a choice. Space and time are a choice – they are simply artifacts of your virtual reality. But let’s bring it closer to your everyday existence. What shows up as the version of that person you’re close to, is what you choose it to be. That physical apparatus you think of as your body, and what it will be tomorrow, and next year, and twenty years from now, is yours to choose. Choice is your middle name.

4. It’s my thoughts that create. My actions are just the sideshow.
Since you’re not fundamentally physical, and “physical” is just one facet what you’re creating, then can you see that it’s not your actions that determine anything. If you choose to believe that action is necessary to bring about a certain result, then it will be, but it’s not the action that brings the result, it‘s the belief about it. Of course in a physical game, you’re inevitably involved with physical action, but action without belief and alignment is “hard work”. It’s struggle, and struggle is a choice you can make, but we say there’s an easier path. Think your way into alignment.

5. Every time I choose a different thought, it makes a difference.
Sometimes as you recognize an old belief choice is not serving you, it’s like you throw a switch and the new belief clicks into place, but many times, particularly in the early stages of practicing deliberate creation, getting alignment within you at all levels for a new chosen belief can take a few iterations. But each of those iterations is truly significant, and here’s what’s important about that. If you allow yourself to be aware, if you will commit to start to look for change, you WILL see evidence of that change. So even if you don’t get to absolute certainty with that new thought, allow yourself to be confident. It’s huge.

6. What I choose has nothing to do with what anybody else chooses.
From Abraham this week: If man understood that “what I create has nothing to do with what anybody else is creating” then he wouldn’t be so afraid of what others are doing.
We know if you’ve long practiced the idea of that there’s One World out there you’re sharing with everybody else and you have to deal with it, then it takes a little time to get your mind around the fact that it’s actually your unique moment by moment creation, that it’s not “out there” at all, that it’s like a movie playing in your mind. So take some time with this and sit with it. Just know that nobody and no entity can assert anything into your experience that’s not a match to you. You create it all.

7. When I’m feeling good, I’m heading towards what I want.
Your feelings are more than just some unimportant internal emotional reaction. Your feelings are your creational GPS. If you’re feeling good, you are at that very moment heading towards what you want. Your conscious thoughts and your subconscious thoughts are in agreement, and the connectedness that’s you is strong and activated and all the parts of you are singing in harmony. That’s what feeling good is all about.

8. When I feeling bad, I’m heading away from what I want.
Even though this is just the “and vice versa” part of number 7 above, we want to emphasize the point that nothing is more important than feeling good. Winning is unimportant unless it feels good. Being right is unimportant. Being sympathetic is unimportant. Pushing through this difficult thing as a prerequisite to getting to that better place is unimportant. If you’re doing any of those things and not feeling good, then you are, at that very moment heading away from where you want to be. We say stop and choose a better path. Nothing in any and every moment in time, is ever more important than feeling good.

9. No choice is more worthy, or divine, than any other.
There’s nothing you have to do. There’s nothing you’re supposed to do. There’s no purpose somebody sent you here to fulfill. You’re not here to serve somebody else. You’re not here to somehow get it “right” and work your way up some ladder to divinity. You’re here where you are, and what you came here to do was to revel in the idea that you can create new things. You’re here by choice in this delicious adventure called Life On Earth. So what do you want NOW? It doesn’t matter whether it’s solving a crossword puzzle or creating world peace. It’s just, what do you want NOW.

10. I have not missed the boat. The next one is always about to leave.
You can’t miss the boat. In alternate versions of you you’re doing other things, you’re doing everything, and you can step into those versions at any time. Your power is in the now, and so can you see that it’s never a question of .. I would like to have done this or that with my life? All of that sort of thinking is based upon some idea of what a successful life should look like, and once you’ve grasped the ideas we’ve been talking about here, you move to the place that none of that old Story matters at all. There’s a thousand boats about to leave – all of them to different, joyous adventures. It’s simply up to you to choose which one to step onto.

So there’s our top ten things to remember. Let’s briefly look at some of the processes we’ve talked about over recent months here. To be continued.