Welcome to Day 26, Call 12 of our 4-Week Challenge. As we’ve been doing during this challenge, we’ll take just a short time for this formal portion of our call today so that we can interact with all of you who have experiences to share, but as this challenge has progressed, as we watch you trying out new processes and finding what works best for you, we want to remind you of the two fundamental choices you can always make.

These two choices have fundamentally nothing to do with the circumstances in which you have placed yourself. In any given moment, these two choices have nothing to do with the events that preceded this moment. These therefore are choices you can make anytime. And these are huge choices, because the more you make them, the more you will transform your world and your life. And so we say make them now, and now and now. We say make them any time you find yourself feeling a little off your path. And as you practice making them they, become a thinking habit. They become who you are. They define you.

Number one is – choose to feel good, and if you’re feeling good, rejoice in that feeling and then choose to feel even better. And if you’re feeling bad, make a choice to feel good – perhaps for some reason you can think of, or simply for no reason at all because here’s the truth of it. You don’t need a reason. You can think of something good, and use that as your excuse, but you don’t need an excuse. You can simply choose to feel good for absolutely no reason at all. Let’s try this right now. How do you feel right now? Think about that – take your temperature. Now choose, for no reason at all, to feel better. Can you see that you can that?

There are many different ways of describing this. For example, if the “fact” is if your glass is half full, it’s equally half empty. How you feel about this is a choice. You can choose to be grateful that it’s still half full and that there’s always more where that came from. You can choose to see it as half depleted and feel bad that there’s only some of it left. The facts are the same. The thought is what’s different.

Also for example as we often quote in Commandment #4 .. “Thou shalt not beat up on thyself”. Sometimes the beating up is subtle. Think about that exercise we just did. Were you able to achieve a shift? And last time you tried to meditate and focus on making a change, were you able to get your mind to be quiet? And if not, did your thoughts in any way go to .. “I can’t do that”. Well, yes you can, and if you didn’t, then allow the glass to be half full with .. “Next time I’ll get there”. And that thought feels better, and so there you are. You’re already feeling better.

Number two is – choose to expect what you want. The perennial always-valid question is .. What do you want now? So as an exercise with us here right now, pick one thing that you want but don’t have. Now .. which probability bucket do you have it in – from Impossible, to Improbable, to Possible, to Probable, To Certain? And now think about why you have it in that bucket. You’ll find that you have a whole Story about that, or even many Stories about that. And they all begin .. “Once upon a time ..” because they are all about your so-called past, and all about being so-called “realistic. But to be truly realistic and call a spade a spade, all of that is nonsense. They’re all Fairy Stories.

So as in the Bucket Process we have shared with you, you can move it up the line and see how that feels. Or you can play with that so-called past of yours until you settle on a train of events that will most easily get you to where you want to be. Or you can devise your own process. Or as some of you are doing, you can use the Abraham Focus Wheel process to ease yourself toward a different set of expectations.

OR, as with choosing to feel good, you can simply make a decision to expect something different – for the simple reason that you know you can. And if you can’t quite know it now, know that you’re getting there, that you’re getting better and better at this, that each day you’re stepping more fully into connection with Source.
Can you see where we’re headed with all of this? Always choose that better feeling thought. Use any excuse on the planet to choose that better feeling thought. And if that doesn’t seem, to work, tell yourself that at least you’re acknowledging that all of this is a big deal. And let that feel good. If you choose to, you can always find a better feeling thought. Know that, and know that it feels good to know that.

So once again, here are your two big choices.
#1 You can choose to feel good, and
#2 You can choose to expect anything you want.
These two choices have fundamentally nothing to do with the circumstances in which you have placed yourself. In any given moment, these two choices have nothing to do with the events that preceded this moment.

These therefore are choices you can make anytime. And these are huge choices, because the more you make them, the more you will transform your world and your life. And so we say make them now, and now and now. We say make them any time you find yourself feeling a little off your path. And as you practice making them, they become a thinking habit. They become .. the new YOU.

So now let’s move to our longer discussion where we’ll invite you to share your experiences.