Here’s a question for you. Are you a patient person? Welcome back to our Law Of Attraction discussions this week where we’ll be exploring the concept of time. Think about this next question and watch where your mind goes right now as you think about an answer. What do you perceive time to be? If you’ve chosen to believe that the world is “out there” external to you, that it was here before you were born and it will be here after you’re gone, then life becomes a matter of being pragmatic, facing reality and finding the best way to survive (or even hopefully thrive) within it. If that’s how you perceive things, then time is just one of those inevitable facts of life, and the question is pointless.

Many of you in this community of course have come to understand that at your essence, you’re not a physical human being, that you’re a timeless consciousness, an extension of the collective consciousness of All That Is, that you came into beingness as a result of your desires and choices, and that by Law Of Attraction those unique personal choices created this physical you in this personal matching version of a physical world. And yet even though you get that it’s all an inside job, as you’ve lived day to day within that game of life you’re created, you’ve become mesmerized by its seeming reality, and right along with that, you practiced the idea that time is inevitable.

Now that’s OK, because, really, everything’s OK, and in different equally valid, equally real versions of you, you’re making all sorts of parallel but different belief-choices. But within this here and now version you’re conscious of, as you pursue happiness it’s important to remember after all, that you willingly and eagerly chose this very focused game as an exciting realm in which to have new experiences, make new decisions and create in new and wonderful ways. And you can’t do that as you intended, if you continue to persist within an upside-down habit of thinking. There is no “the world”. There is only Your World, the one you uniquely create by how you think, so let’s practice that idea a little here.

Let’s get back to our opening question. Are you a patient person? If you are, then what you’re saying is that I am prepared to wait, and good things hopefully will eventually show up for me. Are you an impatient person? If you are, you’re saying that I know what I want and why the hell isn’t it here already? Either way, you’re saying that things are not as they should be right now. If you think about it, you will begin to see that implicit in this way of thinking is the upside-down idea that there’s something outside of you that’s somehow affecting the circumstance of that world you’re in.

The truth is that what you manifest, moment by moment, in this movie playing in your mind, is always a real-time, here-and-now-time, reflection of you. There is no manifestational time delay. When you woke up this morning, was there any delay in the world that wrapped itself around you? There is no concept of a continuous solid world that exists external to you. There is no fixed reality that was there when you went to sleep and you just woke up into it. It is your instantaneous creation. Things are always as they should be right now because your context, Your World, is always a perfect match to your now-existing tapestry of expectations.

So even as words like luck, fate, law of averages, blame, victimhood, selfishness, good and bad, should long have been banished from any serious conversation about you and your life, so we would add “patience” and “impatience” to that list. For as long as you see the arrival of what you want as some event in the future, you are not understanding the present, and that lack of understanding is keeping you apart from those things that you want. It is a failure to understand your power. It is a failure to see everything in your experience as perfection – not good or bad, just your right-now manifestation and, as always, a new point of choice.

By being impatient, by somehow seeing your now-circumstances as deficient, you are not allowing yourself to be aware of the power of your belief choices. You are promoting your physical world into a place of artificial importance. You are elevating it into something it is not. You are treating it as real, and by also seeing it as less than desirable, as somehow lacking in the things that should be there, you are holding yourself apart from those same very things that you desire.

Let’s talk a little about one particular artifact of that physical world of yours – time. You see it perhaps as flowing at a constant speed. You can even measure it accurately with your atomic clocks. When you think patiently or impatiently, when you wait for or long for that which has not yet happened, you are reinforcing the idea that time is something it is not. You are thinking that you are a slave to time when time is actually your servant.

Time is, after all, just one part of your creation. You will have already had experiences of when time flies and time drags. It is variable. The trick here is to get to the fun place of enjoying life in the moment, with fascination and curiosity and delight. When you get to that place, time fades. It changes. It loses its power. Let’s take a few steps down that path and we’ll start here.

What does your dog or your horse know about failure? What did you know about failure when you were very young? Nothing! Your pets, and you back then, had the right idea about it all. If you watch a young child stacking some blocks one on top of the other, you’ll see them add to the stack until it collapses. And without any thought about failure, they’ll do it again, and again, and again .. until they learn what’s possible and how to make it work. What if the version of you that‘s here now had never failed at anything … NEVER failed at anything? Think about that. What if you had never made a mistake? What if you had never done anything “bad”? Because, we promise you, you’ve never done any of those things.

So let’s do a bit of visualizing here. Think about those train tracks you seem to be on right now – the ones that stretch back behind you into your past. You can see where you’ve come from and you can see where you’re going. They seem to have you locked into one version of now and one version of a future. That’s your Story. Now we’re going to change it, and let’s talk not just about switching tracks. We’re going to talk about picking up your train and putting it down on those tracks over there. Where does that new track come from? It comes from that world of no “bad”s, no mistakes, and no failures.

Just pause here and let yourself come from that past. NOW where are these tracks going to take you? Can you get a sense of the possibilities that await you here. We want you to shed the trappings of reality. What if you approached every moment with child-like enthusiasm. What if each and every happening is a “that’s good”, and “that’s great” and maybe a “wow that’s not exactly what I had in mind but it’s all good so what now?” Start to latch onto knowing that “reality” and all of its components are yours to arrange. There are no walls here.

From Abraham this week: The reason you want every single thing that you want, is because you think you will feel really good when you get there. But, if you don’t feel really good on your way to there, you can’t get there. You have to be satisfied with what-is while you’re reaching for more.
In other words, feeling good is all important, And so is imagining what you want – not as some far off thing that’s just a fantasy, but as a here-and-now-BEingness you can step into.

So what are you waiting for? Wait for nothing. All of your creating is done in this now moment. When you accept you for who and what you are, here and now, when you are able to carry with you at all times that present moment awareness of the potency and immediacy of your thoughts, all of those future-things will be now-things in Your World. In this version of you, you have changed the boundaries of your reality. You have stepped into a new and different set of contrasts. You have chosen a new range of choices. You’re on a new track

And so the game goes on .. or not .. as you choose. We, of course, are here to play with you whatever you choose.