Apply Law Of Attraction – Less Contrast You Say! Contrast Is Why You Are Here – vBook Chapter 13

We going to talk about how to a apply Law Of Attraction, and as we do so, ;et’s talk a little about reaching for the stars – your birthright.  Let’s talk about remembering why you were eager to come to this space/time world.  Let’s talk about refusing to settle for less than what you want, for less than a brilliant, exciting world.  And in all of that, let’s truly understand what contrast is, because contrast is not shorthand for something bad or unwanted.  Contrast means the difference between a feel-good place and a feel-not-so-good place.  Let’s begin here.

As you were growing up, how many times were you told you have to face reality?  By those words, your perhaps well-meaning parents and other teachers meant that you cannot expect to have it all, that in this world you all have limited options. What they were proposing to you is that you need to focus on and understand the “reality” of your circumstances, and that you’ll be happier once you accept what lies within the realms of possibility and what does not.

Think back to those times.  Do you remember the disappointment you felt upon first hearing those words?  And then what happened?  For many of you, as you heard them over and over, you chose to believe them – after all, those guys knew everything didn’t they?  And so you began the process of reigning-in your desires, and right along with them, your imagination.  You became a stranger to big dreams because you couldn’t step into those dreams without feeling uncomfortable.

Many of you thereby set foot firmly on the road to everything that is ordinary and unspectacular.  You went to school – your training camp for that job where many of you spend most of your waking life doing something you do not want to do.  And the world looks on approvingly – yes you are doing the `“right” thing, the practical thing, with a steady job and good career.  So then you progressed to safer and safer options – in other words, less contrast.

If you are one of those who is obsessed with reality, you are condemning yourself to more of it.  You have heard us say .. the better it gets, the better it gets.  You may have noticed the opposite, that the worse it gets, the worse it gets.  Why is that?  Because this focus on reality brings the vibration of what you’re currently experiencing into your own vibration, and by Law Of Attraction that brings more and more of the same vibrational stuff into your experience.

If you’re focusing on the fact that there are limits, that you can’t have it all, that maybe it’s time to go out and get that steady job, that unless you pull yourself together here you’re heading for a bad fall, what you’re including in your vibration is scarcity and a whole stack of “must-do”s.  It has to – because the truth of this is that you’re telling the universe over and over .. “less please”.  That’s your vibrational set point.  So it turns out focusing on reality is a great idea if reality feels good, but facing reality usually means settling for less.

So then our question to you is – how’s that working out for you?  Have you found that even being “realistic” didn’t shield you from bumps in the road?  From where we sit, we see that as you throttle back your desires, you lessen your choices, and as you lessen you choices, you lessen your excitement?  As you lessen your excitement, you lessen the ability to make big decisions and the focus and energy that goes along with those decisions.  You start down that path and end up with nothing to create and no reason to be here at all.

“What does a fish know about water?”  Answer – a fish knows nothing about water until it leaves it, until it has some frame of reference by which to know what is and isn’t water, and like that fish, some of you have been hanging out at lower levels of vibration for so long that it’s like water to you.  It feels like the status quo.  In that place, when you hit a bump in the road, when you manifest something unwanted, sometimes you find yourself shutting down even further with what seems like no way to slow the rate of descent.

Let’s say your emotional guidance scale looks like this:

10 is ecstasy
9 is joy or passion
8 is fun or excitement
7 is peace or calmness
6 is feeling in control or contentment
5 is vague unease or too many “must-do”s
4 is boredom or nervousness
3 is dread or anger
2 is hopelessness or overwhelm
1 is utter deep despair and paralysis

So what’s your status quo?  Have you been hanging out at level 5 or less?  And here’s the all-important question – do you feel powerless to change course (because changing course is the whole point of this discussion)?  It’s always a question of where you put your focus.  As with everything about Your World, it’s a choice.  So let’s talk a little about making a new choice, a different choice than you made way back when, a choice that can change your life.  This year, this month, this day, this minute, would be an excellent time to start.

So what about this “facing reality” stuff?  Facing it, focusing on it, means thinking of it as real and unchangeable.  It means being obsessed with it to the point of forgetting the truth of who you are.  Think about it.  Knowing who you are, a part of God, does that sound sensible to you?  Facing reality is about the dumbest advice on the planet, and we’ve heard a lot of dumb advice from that planet of yours.  Here’s an alternative.

Maintain perspective.  Be an observer – not of that so called reality but go sit on the moon and contemplate your world and your life.  Be in the stands as well as on the field.  Ask yourself – why are you here?  No matter what story you’ve invented, and no matter where you find yourself in that story, the fundamental reason you all come into this world is to experience the joy of CREATING in this Life-On-Earth environment.

There is no higher purpose than that.  There CAN be no higher purpose than that, because it means doing what you eagerly came here to do – to mix it up, make new decisions and experience new things.  We want you to maintain an awareness of who you are and hold that perspective so that unwanted experiences do not shut you down. Stay away from that cycle of the worse it gets, the worse it gets.  Then you will thrive no matter what the circumstances are.  Are you beginning to see how to apply Law Of Attraction?

Now let’s look at that emotional guidance scale again.  When was the last time you hung out at 9 or 10?  Be honest with yourself here.  Doesn’t the thought of being passionate about your life start to take you back to that place where you KNEW it was all possible?  Can you not feel that yearning inside you?  We promise you that the sky is within your reach.  Of course there will always be contrast, but how about choosing to hang out in the 5-10 range and not the 1-6 range?  It’s yours for the asking, and we of course are here to help you onto that yellow brick road.  You have but to ask.