The Secrets Of Attraction – Here’s the BIG Question… vBook Chapter 48

Let’s start with a disclaimer. We’re not here to tell you that our view of things is the way, the truth and the life for you. Each of you makes your own choices. There is no right Story and no wrong Story, just Your Story, unique to you. (We would say that without that Story you wouldn’t exist, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves here.) These thoughts are our perspective, and we’re simple offering it in response to your questions, as a new way of seeing things. Choose only that which feels good. Leave the rest. Perhaps as with this one, over a lifetime of seeking answers, some of this will begin to resonate. For these next few minutes here, let’s explore the secrets of Attraction.  To the extent that you can, we recommend you keep an open mind, and let’s see if we can give you some new ideas. Let’s begin.

Look around you. Listen around you. Feel around you. You perceive yourself as a physical you in a physical world, and yet no matter what you choose to believe as your story about the nature of “reality”, that perception is internal to you. So here’s the $64,000,000 question. Are your eyes (for example) converting light reflecting off external objects into signals that are sent to your brain, or is that image you are “seeing”, internally generated? Either way it’s an internal process, but is it like a documentary movie showing only that which actually exists, or is it like a science fiction movie fabricated entirely by imagination? In other words, is your mind interpreting reality or creating the perception of reality?

In a movie theater of course if you turn your head, you see your surroundings, the walls, the emergency exit lights and so on, and your brain processes these signals as .. this is not real, it’s a movie. Of course that’s just a limitation of the technology. We’ve talked before of this, but already being developed (in this one’s world, yours may be similar) are virtual reality machines that are so good that your visual cues no longer tell you it’s unreal. To decide that, you have to make an overriding conscious choice. So is this so-called real physical world that’s out there actually real, or is it such a good virtual reality that you can’t tell it from the real thing? How can you actually know what’s real and what isn’t?

Science cannot answer that question, so for each of you it becomes a choice. Let’s explore here for a short time why you would choose one answer over another, and the implications of that choice. Although there are, of course, a huge number of belief systems, for the purposes of our discussions today, let’s look at three groups. Firstly, the atheists, who choose to believe not just that the world is external to you, but that it’s all physical. Then there are many religions and philosophies that espouse a physical world that’s real and external, and also a nonphysical world. Then there’s the possibility that it’s all an inside job, which is of course, what we’re proposing here.

For atheists, the starting place is that what seems real, you and that physical world of yours, IS real. Of all the things you experience, physicality certainly seems about as real as anything can be. We’ll talk about apparent real-ness a little later here, but their first assumption is that this can be taken as self-evident truth (and you have to start somewhere). Their second assumption is related to the first. If anything non-physical exists, you would be able to see evidence of it, or of the effects of it, in the physical world. The problem with this approach, is that it has to discard as irrelevant, any question of who you are and what you’re doing here, and offers no good explanation of that pesky thing called consciousness. But as far as it goes, it is logical.

Then there are the religions and philosophies in group two. We could say these have arisen, in part, in order to explain what could not at the time be otherwise logically explained, but also in response to what the atheists would describe as self-delusion – an inherent sense that many of you have that there is more to it than just this physical stuff. The problem here is that when you try to overlay those non-physical ideas on top of the concept of a shared physical world, it often builds into a truly convoluted theological structure that raises more unanswerable questions than it attempts to answer. You end up in judgment of being worthy or unworthy, and with non-answers like “God works in mysterious ways”.

Then we come to our explanation of it all. It’s our Theory of Everything. At its core, as you might expect of such a theory, it’s elegantly simple. It will seem perhaps too simple for some of you who will feel cheated of a more complex discussion, but we submit that such is the fundamental nature of this, that it will provide answers to your questions at every level. If you have examined and discarded philosophies that struggle around the fringes of the big questions, then we recommend to you that these “Absolutes” that follow, no matter how improbable at first they might seem, are worthy of your consideration.

#1 You are at your core a time-less, space-less consciousness – an always-connected extension of the collective consciousness of All That Is. All That Is creates nothing because it is, after all, All That Is. It is your intentions, belief choices and expectations that create the individuation that is you and the matching context around you.
#2 As you make new belief choices, you step into a new matching version of you and your context. Through an infinity of choices, here you are in the context you call life on earth.
#3 1 and 2 above are fundamental and not choices. Everything else is. There is nothing you cannot be, do or have, nothing you cannot change. You create everything in your experience.

The secrets of attraction can be summed up as –
You attract into your experience,
moment by moment,
unique to you,
wanted or unwanted,
the sum of your beliefs and expectations.

When you woke up this morning, the bed, the floor, the walls, time, gravity and the whole nine yards were there, instantly, without focus, energy or attention, because, and only because, you knew they would be. Such is the absolute power of your belief choices. What you are certain about, will always exist in that virtual reality of yours. What you think is probable, will mostly happen. What you think is improbable, will happen sometimes. What you know as impossible will never happen. Nothing changes in that world of yours until you make a new belief choice.

From our friends Abraham: The majority have been programmed from their past experience to expect physical decline. And while it is something they don’t want, they are programmed to expect it. And so, they’re going to get what they expect. It’s not that what they expect is the reality that everyone lives, but that everyone lives the reality of what they expect.

When you read “studies have shown that .. ” and you choose to believe those studies, you are simply filling in some of the detail between the boundaries you have already established. There are infinite versions of the CNN nightly news. The version you see will be a match to you at that moment. The versions of those other people (consciousnesses) that show up in Your World are always going to be an exact match to your beliefs about them. Their world and your world intersect at those matching points, and it looks a whole lot like a big shared world. But in truth, there is no world “out there” at all. It’s all an inside job. So how come that physical world looks so real – so real that it’s seems self-evident? Let’s use an example we’ve used before.

When you wake up from a dream, although some dreams can be almost visceral experiences, you know inherently that the conscious state you’ve re-entered is more real than the one you just left. That’s because that context that’s an exact match to you, as you might logically expect, is always going to have the feeling of greatest reality. When you die, it’s always (at the level we’re talking on here) a choice, and depending on what you believe about death, perhaps a big choice. That choice creates a new version of you, and a new matching context wraps itself around you, and that will always inherently feel more real than the world you just stepped out of. It’s a new perspective. Real-ness is relative.

Some of you of course are you invested heavily in one of these positions and as we said at the start, that’s absolutely OK. We’re just wanting to let you know, (to remind you really because there is a connected place within you that knows all this stuff), that if you dive down deeply enough to the foundations of this, you will discover that you are in charge of it all. And now in our longer discussion we will talk more of this, and the ways in which you can use this knowledge to create more joy in your life. And that’s what it’s all about isn’t it.