Universal Law Of Attraction – Six Common Myths – vBook Chapter 51

In this one’s world (yours may look similar), here are the top six things people get wrong about the Universal Law Of Attraction.
1. It’s just one of many other (cosmic, ancient, universal etc.) laws
2. It responds to my now conscious energy, focus and attention
3. It takes time to create – there’s an inbuilt manifestational lag
4. It works more powerfully when many people focus together
5. It doesn’t take away the need for action (i.e. hard work)
6. It takes a lot of internal work to master.

As we head into discussing some of these popular misconceptions, we’ll be exploring with you once again the Absolutes – the fundamental way in which everything works, including the Law Of Attraction. Is it important to know these Absolutes? Not necessarily. You can always choose to reach for that better feeling thought, and if you do, you’ll do very well. But it helps you to make that choice. Do you need to know how electricity works to use your toaster? No, and yet some knowledge is helpful. If it’s not working, it’s useful to know about the need to plug it in, and into an outlet that has power, which means there needs to be power coming to the houses in your neighborhood, and so the story goes on.

Knowing the basics of how things work, helps you navigate your world. Now, does knowing those basics guarantee you’ll be instantly creating everything you want? Once again, no. Knowing things intellectually doesn’t necessarily translate into instant change to your deep seated tapestry of expectations. But it helps, and it helps in two ways. Firstly, with confidence. If you know you’re on the right track, it’s easier to keep your focus on what counts. And secondly, it gives you a basis for answering all your many and varied questions about life without being distracted by the Stories that even many so-called gurus are inventing or repeating.

Let’s begin here today with the first of those Stories, that the Universal Law Of Attraction is just one of many other (cosmic, ancient, universal etc.) laws. In other words, it has an effect but there are many other factors. The problem here is that most start from one very basic and very big assumption. It’s a very understandable assumption, because it seems so self-evident. It’s made by all manner of people, by spiritual masters, by atheists, and by LOA gurus alike. The assumption is .. that the world out there is external to you, that it’s solid and continuous, that you share it with everybody else and you have to deal with it, and them. Well, in that world, there IS no Law Of Attraction.

Let’s be clear here. If you stick with this assumption, it’s obvious that you are up against the potentially different desires of the others in your life, because if you can harness the power of the Law Of Attraction to create whatever you want (and you can), then so can they. So now it becomes .. there’s nothing you cannot be, do or have .. UNLESS .. those others in your world want different things, because your desires are in competition with theirs. So now your task becomes to somehow create harder (better) than they are doing, or persuade them to agree with you. (And good luck with both of those).

Once you start down that road, you’ve dismantled the Law Of Attraction and opened up the Story to all sorts of other ideas, other “ancient” laws, or even to just to the concept that positive thinking (seeing the glass as half full) is generally better than the alternative. (That’s true of course, but that concept by itself is hardly going to inspire you into making some fundamentally new choices is it.) The secret is, there is no world “out there”. You’re not a physical being in a physical world with a brain that does all the thinking. You are a thinking being in a thought-created world. You’re a consciousness – an extension of the collective consciousness of All That Is. Everything “out there” is an inside job.

There’s a reason you and that world seem so inherently (self-evidently) real. You and that world are an exact match to the tapestry of expectations that shapes you and it. That exact match is always going to be the most-real-feeling realm. When you change that tapestry by choosing a new belief, and you practice that belief into a new certainty, you step into a literally new version of you and your world, and everything and everyone you intersect with exactly matches that new tapestry. In our words: You attract into your experience, a version of you and your context, unique to you, wanted or unwanted, instant by instant, which matches the tapestry of your chosen beliefs and expectations.

In Abraham’s words: Everything that you perceive here in your physical environment is Vibration, and the life you are living is your Vibrational interpretation. The powerful Law of Attraction is at the root of everything you experience; and the stable, never-changing, always-accurate premise of this Law is: that which is like unto itself, is drawn. When you give thought to something, you begin the attraction process of the essence of that subject into your own life experience. Once you have activated a Thought Vibration within yourself by giving your attention to the subject, the progression of expansion occurs.

From Bentinho Massaro: Law Of Attraction in its deepest sense is you wanting to experience yourself. That’s the impulse. That’s how you are born, not just physically born, but individuated. Before you were born you were individuated and this life is a further crystallization of that individualization process of consciousness, of you emerging from the All-That-Is consciousness.. Law Of Attraction means that whatever you’re the vibration of, is what you’ll attract into your life, is what you’ll experience yourself as. This is all a soup of energy. This is a structure of energy that’s held up by .. you.

Can you see why we say calling it the Universal Law Of Attraction hardly does justice to the fundamental alignment that defines EVERYTHING everywhere – in every realm that exists – be it yours or ours. There are no other “laws” which are in the same league. There are some so-called “laws” that are simply derivations from the Law Of Attraction. There are some that seek to promote physical properties into spiritual principles. The real test of all of this, of any of this, is always .. how does it feel to you? If it feels good, latch onto it because that feeling is telling you infallibly that you’re heading in the direction of your desires. And the reverse of course is also true.

So while we’re on a roll here, let’s look at Myth #2 on our list (and we’ll cover the rest of these Myths in the coming weeks). The old simple definition of the law was – you attract into your experience, wanted or unwanted, that which you give your energy, focus and attention – and it’s good as far as it goes. But when you woke up this morning, this moment by moment creation of yours, your world, was there instantly, without, we suggest much focus or attention. “The Secret” is that what defines You and Your World, what brings everything into your experience, is that expectation tapestry stored in your superconscious.

Most of it, of course, you never bring into that foreground consciousness of yours. But you can. Creating what you want is all about changing that tapestry. It starts with your conscious choices. Everything that’s there came from your previous conscious choices. Changing it starts with new and different conscious choices, and then making those new and different choices with sufficient focus and energy, that they replace and change the fabric you want to change. As we get into our discussion here today, we’ll spend some time on some practices and habits that will support you in creating that new version of you. Bring your questions. We welcome them.