Law Of Universal Attraction – Six Big Myths (Cont’d) – vBook Chapter 52

Let’s continue with our discussion on our top six big myths about the Law Of Universal Attraction…
1. It’s just one of many universal laws
2. It responds to my NOW focus
3. Creating takes time because there’s a “manifestational lag”
4. It’s more powerful when many people focus together
5. It still needs action (i.e. hard work)
6. It takes time to master.
And as we continue here, we’ll revisit the really important difference between what’s fundamental and what you get to choose.

Let’s be clear up front once again, that we’re not here to tell you what you “should” believe. Whatever you choose to believe is up to you. Each and every one of you has a unique Story, and there is no good or bad way, or right or wrong way, of playing this game. In truth, in different versions of you, in equally valid and real versions of you, you’re making different choices and playing different versions of the game. This discussion is for this version of you. It’s about creating what you want. We’re here intersecting with you because our intent is to add our perspective. It’s fun for us to interact with those of you trying to figure out how to make some new choices and change your life.

So … it’s perfectly OK if you choose to believe
in angels, in archangels and guardian angels,
in ascended masters and a hierarchy of celestial beings,
in reincarnation and in old souls and young souls
in an all-powerful God and a devil, in sin and salvation, in heaven and hell.
in sacred geometry, in akashic records or in astral travel, or
in astrology, or tarot cards, or reading palms or tea leaves.

It’s perfectly OK if you choose to believe
in a round earth or a flat earth, in UFOs and extra-terrestrial visitors.
in global warming or no global warming, in polar bears going extinct or thriving,
in medical doctors or homeopathic medicines or healers,
in vaccinations or no vaccinations, or vitamins or antibiotics,
in Quantum Physics or Newtonian Physics or both
in gravity and time, and trees and plants and birds,
in seas and tides and storms and calm and earthquakes and tsunamis.

It’s perfectly OK if you choose to believe in the Law Of Attraction, and it’s perfectly OK if you want only the simple version – that your thoughts create your reality, and for as long as you choose thoughts that feel good, you’re heading in the direction of what you want. BUT, if you’re wanting to REALLY comprehend the true nature of who you are, to have a foundational understanding about everything, you cannot get there if you start from a flawed premise – that all of those things listed above are somehow external to you and beyond your control. If you start from that place, your puzzle is always going to be missing some key pieces, and your answers always end up in a tangle of “maybe”s.

Let’s look at Myth #3 – creating takes time because there’s a “manifestational lag”. When Abraham coined those words, they were using simple language to explain why your focus right now on something does not necessarily manifest it immediately in your experience. However they were not saying that there’s some sort of celestial timer that gets invoked whenever you make a new belief choice. There is no fundamental delay. They go on to say at great length that you have to line up with your choice, and it is that “lining up” that sometimes take a little time.

We would say, you create the consciousness that is You (and the matching context that always accompanies you), instant by instant, (like the frames of a movie), from that huge tapestry of expectations you have that’s been created by your previous belief choices .. about everything (including of course those things we listed above.) When you make a new conscious choice, it is often the case that what you believe consciously does not match what you believe super-consciously. In the longer discussion that follows here, we’ll go into this in more detail, but when those two are in alignment, manifestation is immediate.

Let’s look as Myth #4 – it’s more powerful when many people focus together. If you start from the premise as we said before that the world is “out there”, and let’s say your goal is “world peace”, or “saving the planet”, then it’s entirely reasonable that you would put your energy into reaching as many people as you can. You need to create a ground swell of popular opinion. You’ll be doing things like joining or organizing groups that see things as you do. You’ll be into coordinated days of meditation or prayer and healing energy. You’ll be writing, and calling, and painting pictures to inspire breakthroughs in world thinking. And there’s not a single thing “wrong” with any of that. If it feels good, go for it.

The simple truth however, is, to achieve that goal, or any goal, it is not necessary for you to DO anything. You do not have to reach millions and persuade them. You need only to choose to expect to step into a different version of the world, and you will. So .. NO action at all? The key is, what feels good. If you DO stuff and it feels good, then what you are actually doing is, creating that tapestry of yours in alignment with the way you want things to be. Now, in a physical world, of course you’re all DOing creatures. But the Doing needs not to be done from some desperate or must-do place. If you’re overwhelmed, or sad, or angry about things .. STOP. You’re heading in the wrong direction.

So now we’ve segued into Myth #5 – creating still needs action (and by action most of you mean hard work). It does not. If you’re in alignment, no action is necessary. If you’re not in alignment, your cause is lost before you start. There’s not enough potential action in the universe to bring about something against the pull of the most powerful creative force that exists – your beliefs – because it is those beliefs that create everything in Your World. When you’re in alignment, doors appear before you that you never even knew the existence of, and they will open at your touch. And as you step through them, you will DO stuff. And it will be easy, simple. You will be flowing downstream with the current.

And lastly .. Myth #6 – all of this takes time to master. In other words, even after you’ve made the mental switch from .. it’s an “out there” world, to it’s all an inside job (which it is), and to knowing how to create what you want, you’re still going to have to put time and energy into getting to the place of mastery, of consistently being able to put that knowledge into practice. Well, perhaps .. perhaps not. You’re creating it ALL remember. So how would you choose it to be from now on? It’s not just the goal that’s yours to choose. It’s also up to you to choose the path. Do you want to beat though the underbrush, or do you want to take the yellow brick road? We recommend the road.

Now we also know that having seemingly spent a lifetime in react mode, in not understanding the basics, that it takes a re-focus and a building of a new and ongoing ever-present awareness, in order to settle comfortably into playing this game as you came here to play it – as a conscious creator. But we also know that this last myth is insidious, because if you will just recognize that the shape and style and difficulty of the journey is just as much your choice as is the destination you are seeking, and if you will start by choosing to believe that this will be easy for you, then it will be easy. There is nothing you cannot be, do or have, and both the destination and the journey are included in that.

This discussion has been all about an important distinction – the difference between what’s fundamental about the Law Of Universal Attraction, and what’s at choice.
So what’s fundamental here? You’re a consciousness that’s a part of the collective consciousness of All That Is. You choices create you and the context that appears around you.
So what’s at choice here? Everything else. EVERYTHING else – physical or non-physical.
Why are you here? You’re here to experience different aspects of yourself and the joy of creating in this powerfully focused space/time context. The only thing that limits your choices is your imagination, and that has no limits.

And now we move to our longer discussion, and to your questions. No question is too lofty or too mundane. We will be delighted to talk about the joy of paying taxes if that is your desire, because if all of this is not relevant to your day to day existence, it’s not relevant to anything is it.