Welcome to today’s discussion in which we once again explore the fundamental truth of who you are, and move beyond Law Of Attraction 101 to a more complete understanding of the nature of your virtual reality. Of course it’s not a requirement that you explore things at this level for you to have a happy creative life. It’s not a requirement that you know or do any particular thing. All you really need to know is that you create your reality from what you choose to believe and expect, and that nothing is more important than feeling good because that tells you you’re heading in the direction of what you want.

And then here you are in this space/time fantasy getting caught up in the movie that you yourself are creating – caught up to the extent that you have a habit of creating some things that you really don’t want. And then the questions begin. “How can I create less of that and more of what I want?” Well all of you have a complex tapestry of expectations about everything, and it sits mostly in the background beneath the level of your consciousness. It’s the screenplay of Your Life On Earth, and rewriting parts of that screenplay takes focus and commitment. When you start that process, it really helps if you have the confidence that comes from being able to make sense of it all.

So we won’t be asking you to take a leap of faith, and we won’t be asking you to suspend logic, because it’s all logical and understandable, but we are on a mission to get you simple clear answers to all your questions, and that’s not possible without an understanding of the true nature of things. We’ll begin here with the Absolutes, and then we’ll get to babies and grownups and animals and plants and the price of eggs, and you’ll see how it all fits together. And lastly, as always, we’ll talk about how to use that knowledge to step more and more powerfully into your role as a creator. Let’s begin.

If there’s one subject that seems to trip many people up in their understanding of the Law Of Attraction, it’s the subject of very young children. “Do babies create their own reality, and if so, how do they get born into famine, or disaster, or into illness?” Well we could do what many religious philosophies attempt to do and begin a long and complex answer – that every consciousness chooses their own virtual reality, which is true, and that you cannot understand the “why” of other people’s choices (some religions would say God’s choices), and that is also true. But for most of you, this answer is not very satisfying.

If you assume that there’s One World you share with everybody, then none of it – the Law Of Attraction, conscious creation, all of these things we talk about – none of it makes any sense at all. The explanation might seem radical to you but it’s actually elegantly simple. Despite appearances, there is not One World out there you all share. For as long as you see it as One World, you will tie yourself up in pretzels trying to make sense of it, and you will not succeed. There is you (one of many versions) inhabiting the matching version of Your World (one of many versions) which by Law Of Attraction intersects with one matching version (one of many) of everyone else’s world.

Yes – we know it looks like one flowing continuous shared world – that’s the miracle of this Space/Time virtual reality, and yes – those other versions of you and the world also exist simultaneously in a parallel universe. You may not be aware of those other versions because the shape of the consciousness you have chosen focuses on only one, but every time you make a new belief choice, you literally step into a different version of you and Your World. And in that new world, you intersect with the versions of everybody and everything that match your new tapestry of expectations.

What you are certain about shows up. What you think is probable, mostly happens. What you know as possible but improbable will happen occasionally. What you know is impossible will never happen. All that is a part of your expectation tapestry. Your chosen beliefs determine which version of everything you encounter. So do babies create their own reality?

Well we would say that if by your chosen expectations, in Your World you are matching up and intersecting with other consciousnesses, then be they adults, or babies, or extraterrestrials, all will be creating their own reality. But the real answer to your question is that nothing exists as something “out there” that needs to be understood and explained. It’s all an inside job. The definition of everything is inside of you. That is why we call it Your World, because it is yours – unique to you, and you’re creating it second by second. Every time you catch yourself pondering why things are the way they are, the answer is that you have chosen them to be that way.

Can you see how this works? There is nothing and nobody but you making choices about Your World. In that tapestry of yours, do you believe that some children are born into disaster or illness? If no, then in Your World, there will be none of that. If yes, then in your world, such things will happen. Will they happen to you or someone close to you? That depends on where your vibrational set point is. If you are living in fear and uncertainty, then perhaps yes. Everything that intersects with you is a match to you. In Your World, babies and grownups and animals and plants and the price of eggs, will be exactly what you expect them to be.

As this one likes to say, “Even as there is a Flat Earth Society for those that believe the world is flat, one day there will be a One World Society for those that still believe in one shared physical reality.” We know that this may sound like a very radical concept to many of you, but we encourage you not to see it as too complex to understand. It’s elegantly simple. it’s just a new way of seeing things. If it seems tricky at first to imagine multiples of everything, just understand the concept. Then for the first time you will be playing the game while holding ALL the puzzle pieces and you will start to see what a difference this can make!

So how do you change to a different version of you and Your World? Firstly, be aware; be as ongoingly aware as you can, of how you feel. Then whenever you feel negative, WHENEVER you feel negative, ask yourself what it is that you’re expecting that is not in line with what you want. You may have to dig a little to surface that piece of your tapestry, but with a little diligence and with a little practice, you can do it. Bring it into the light of day and see if for what it is – simply a choice you once made to believe things are a certain way. Then let it go. Let it fade. Let it die. Now step mentally and literally into a new version of the world – a world in which that lie does not exist.

Your beliefs are not based on what-is. What-is is formed from your beliefs, so there’s literally nothing you cannot be, do or have. You are not a physical space-occupying entity in a time-based world. You are time-less and space-less. Let’s see if we can challenge you to step a little outside the fixture you think of as time. Try this on for size. You can think of your life as starting from the point when you were born. That’s probably how you most easily think of it. Well that’s one version of a back story.

As we talked about in our longer discussion last week, you can also think of your life as starting when you woke up, which is to say when you stepped into this particular version of your consciousness this morning. That’s your beginning, and all your history, your so-called “past”, is just something you made up and memorized before you began the game this morning. And it ends when you quit consciousness tonight. Perhaps you’ve played out that game out over a lifetime of “days”. Perhaps this “day” is the only “life” like this you’ll experience.

Think about the implications of these scenarios because here’s what’s interesting about all of them. From an infinite and time-less perspective, all are equally true. And lest you begin to think .. “Well Terah, that that might be true from your perspective.” .. let us also say that from a thinking-you here-and-now perspective, all those scenarios are still equally true. All are equally valid ways of describing you and everything about you. Can you see what that tells you. All of it, every single piece of it, is yours to choose. You can have it be any way you want it to be. What you choose to believe, becomes.

In our session next week, we’ll be doing some more exploring of that tapestry of yours, and talking more about tips and techniques for making new choices – choices that will change Your World and bring more joy into your life. And of course, we will be answering all your questions.
We are in eager anticipation of our intersections with you.